Forthcoming Field – Arabic & Unani Medicine

Arabic and Unani medicine are the traditional medicines being practiced frequently with utmost care for people of Arab and countries who have a strong believe and trust on the traditional medicines.

Traditional Arabic Medicine has the knowledge of Graeco-Roman, Chinese, Persian and Ayurvedic theories and practices for which healthcare practitioners are working and taking care of the Arab and Muslim patients and being aware of the potential influence of Arabic medicine onto healthcare practices of the population. Many Arabic medicine model are utilized enabling clinicians or researchers to anticipate and respond to healthcare practices of Arab patients by engaging them about their use of the proposed components, and thus enhancing health provision.

Unani medicine, commonly known as Unani tibb being a traditional medicine is known for healing & health maintenance. The origins of Unani medicine were mainly found in the doctrines of the ancient Greek physicians, Hippocrates and Galen. It was later developed and refined through systematic experiment by the Arabs who converted some traditional medicines as Arab or unani medicines. Traditional unani medicine practitioners are practicing hard for the stable results of medicines having herbal components.

To gain more information in this evolving field do have a visit to the huge upcoming conference i.e., 5th International Conference on Medicinal Practices: Herbal, Holistic and Traditional during July 25-26, 2018 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
for more details kindly visit:


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